Gold’s Pullback Just Handed You
the Trading Opportunity of the Year

Shae Russell reveals the steps you need to take now to
take advantage of this rare opportunity for MAXIMUM impact...

James Woodburn: Now, Shae, I know there are a number of stocks you want to focus on today, and I know that you’re really excited about what’s happening in the gold exploration sector, and we’re going to cover the stocks very shortly in a moment. But first, can you just lay out the big picture behind what’s got you so excited?

Shae Russell: As you know, I’ve been super excited about the exploration story in Australia for months now. And it’s something that I don’t think a lot of investors are paying attention to. There's a lot of opportunities in this sector and I'll get to the why, obviously, in a minute, but I want to just point out that a Canadian can see the opportunities in the Australian gold mining sector more than local investors.

Now, I was fortunate enough to interview Rick Rule last year and I asked him about what was ahead for the Australian gold mining sector. And he made a comment, ‘You'll be digging to Hades.’ Now that sounds off the cuff, but what he really meant was that the gold mineralisation runs so deep in Australia, that the higher the gold price goes, the deeper we can continue to dig.

James Woodburn: And that's what we're going to be seeing right now, isn't it? So lots of our viewers will know, Shae, that the gold price has been rising rapidly this year. They may even have made some gains on your recommendations in Rock Stock Insider, but this presentation is about, really it's about what comes next. It may not be a story everyone is familiar with. So answer me this: why are you getting so excited about gold explorers specifically right now?

Shae Russell: Do you know what? Because it is so hard to find gold right now. And this is what I mean. This is only part of the big picture of why I'm so excited about gold explorers. So there has been no major gold deposits found in the last three years, worldwide, not just Australia. And the last tier-one deposit found in Australia was back in 2005. That's the Tropicana deposit out in Western Australia. That was 15 years ago and we have not found a major deposit since then. The point is, it's getting harder to find and it's costing a bucket load more money to get the gold out of the ground, even once they find it.

Hard Money Trader

Now I've got a really cool chart that I just want to bring up on the screen right now. And this is trying to visualise just how much the major gold deposits have been shrinking over the last century. So as you can see at the start of the 20th century, it was quite easy to find large major gold deposits, but that's been shrinking over time. And also, too, gold exploration budgets are actually half what they were back in 2012. You can see that on this chart as identified by the yellow line. Now in Australia, we're fortunate. We've actually started increasing our spending on gold exploration, but the rest of the world hasn't and that's why I think Aussie investors actually have a head start on this trend.

James Woodburn: So what this is basically saying is that gold reserves are down, explorations budgets are going up. So that means what?

Shae Russell: Exploration budgets are going up because it's costing more to fine. But also, too, the surface gold's been found. So there's these things called outcrops, where people could walk through a desert, basically, and find gold or see the gold there. That almost doesn't exist anymore. So what basically, companies need to do is they basically take a tenement out, they spend all this money on a patch of dirt. They don't know if there's anything on it. So they've already had to outlay that. They can't just walk through the field anymore to see if there's any gold lying around. They've got to start with airborne magnetics, they've got to start with geophysical surveys. So they're already spending a couple of hundred thousand dollars to find out if there's anything there. So this is why they've got to increase their budget. And of course, obviously as the gold price rises, the incentive is there for them to do it.

James Woodburn: So the higher the gold price rise, the deeper people dig. Now, that's kind of what's happening now. That's your working theory. Why is that?

Shae Russell: Woody, I want you to think of the gold industry as a dynamic industry. The higher the price of gold, the more viable certain deposits become. So deposits that weren't viable when gold was at US$300 per ounce, 20 years ago are suddenly looking highly economical. Now this is coupled with the fact that Australia is on track to become the world's biggest gold producer as of next year. So we're going to take that title off China, which is something that they've actually held that title for seven years. So this is a huge leap forward for the Australian gold mining industry. But more importantly is the fact that Australia is ramping up exploration spending. According to Mining Weekly, spending on gold exploration in Australia rose to a new record in the final quarter of 2019 while the annual total of more than $1 billion was about 20% higher than the previous year, according to government estimates.

It's much needed as there have been no major global discoveries in the past three years and only 25 in the last decade. That increased spending may actually already be beginning to pay off. Another article I saw recently from the ABC at the height of the pandemic pointed out that a West Australian gold mining company claims it has struck the potentially largest discover ever in the state's iron ore-rich Pilbara region.

Now, according to the ABC, they reckon it may herald a new era in north Western Australia. And this is the thing; nobody was out looking for gold in the Pilbara. This is the point that I've been trying to make to my own subscribers over the past 12 months, is that the big guys actually aren't spending as much money on exploration as they should be. And they've got these little guys out there doing all the lifting and that's where the real opportunities are.

James Woodburn: Now, any seasoned gold investor, or mining speculator, for that matter, will tell you that industries like this are highly, highly cyclical. There are great times to invest at certain times and there are obviously some pretty terrible times to invest in these kinds of explorers. Where are we now with regard to the gold mining cycle in that respect?

Shae Russell: All right, well, I'm actually going to refer back to something Rick Rule said a little while ago. Now, basically, as he puts it in the gold space, the physical metal price will move first, then the large cap miners, then the mid-tier producers, then the junior producers, and lastly, the exploration sector.

We can back this up with hard data too... I've got another chart I want to show you. So here, we've got the 1970s spot gold price overlaid with the gold spot prices since 2000. Now I'll just point out the theses in US dollars, but also, too, if you can see the trajectory of the 1970s bull market compared with the 2000s gold bull market, we can see that there's a lot more room to come.

Hard Money Trader

James Woodburn: Yeah, that's a pretty compelling chart, Shae. I mean, you hear everything in the news right now about gold hitting new time highs, especially in Aussie dollar, but that just shows you there's a lot more to come, right?

Shae Russell: It sort of makes the price predictions of 2,000 US dollars per ounce or 3,000 US dollars per ounce seem small when you look at this sort of movement. So you've got to remember, at the end of the 1970s, there was this parabolic move north. And I'll guarantee you, nobody in the mid-70s saw that move coming. So when you see the two patterns forming this way, you can really see that there's almost... These price predictions of 2,000 or 3,000, they're underselling it. And you think that's something? Wait till I show you what happened to gold explorers at the tail end of this gold bull market in the seventies.

All right. So I'm just going to pull out a few big numbers. So take a look at these North American listed juniors and how they performed in the 1970s at the tail end of the gold bull market-

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James Woodburn: These are gold explorers?

Shae Russell: These are gold explorers that went on to do unfathomable things. I mean, look at the numbers on our screen. You've got companies that gained 13,000%, 3,988%. What is there? 2,464%, all in under two years. So it just goes to show that some of these companies can do insane things in a parabolic gold bull market.

James Woodburn: Now, of course, there's no guarantees that's going to happen again, or it's going to happen... But it demonstrates what is possible at the tail end of the gold bull market when gold goes parabolic. And of course these are high-risk stocks, right, Shae?

Shae Russell: Super risky stocks. I'm the first person to point that out. You got to remember, these are companies that have got unproven ground. I make jokes that they... A bloke and a shovel. That's literally what we're talking about. We don't know what's in the ground yet, which is why these super speculative stocks tend to fly so high because nobody saw proof of gold in the ground actually coming.

But I just want to point something out. Let's take the higher number, for example, the 13,000% company. Let's look at Copper Lake. So if you wacked five grand into this at the tail end of the 1970s, in 1978, it would have been worth more than $650,000 two years later. That is insane and almost unheard of.

James Woodburn: Yeah. Well, like you say, it just demonstrates when the conditions are right, what can happen to this tiny stocks, right?

Shae Russell: When the conditions are right, these stocks can fly beyond reason. But don't get me wrong, that's the best case scenario. So I'll just show you what the worst case scenario here is, in this example.

We've got another little company here, Northair Mines. Now again, towards the end of the 1970s, it returned 233% in a very short period of time. So there's a huge disparity between 13,000% and 230-odd percent, but it does go to show you that if a company strikes gold, when nobody was expecting them to, how insane the price rises can be.

James Woodburn: Well, Shae, that's the backstory and the wider context covered pretty comprehensively, and the risks, I should say. I'm going to make a good, big point of that. These are high risk, highly speculative plays, but it shows you, it demonstrates the potential we're looking at.

But now let's get a little bit specific to Australia. You called this presentation Deep Gold, and you alluded earlier to a comment that Rick Rule made about digging to Hades. So what's going on specifically here in Australia?

Shae Russell: Simply put, all the easy gold's being found. All the surface gold's been found. We've got to start drilling deeper. Now Australia is vastly under explored. And when I say that, I basically mean we found shallow gold. There's certain gold finds that are being found less than 30 metres from the surface. However, we're starting to see miners needing to go very deep underground. Now I myself have actually been underground. Years and years ago I was at a base metals mine up in Outback Queensland. And I went 1.5 kilometres underground. It was a very long lift ride down, and I-

James Woodburn: Was it a bit warm?

Shae Russell: It was very warm. I was surrounded by... Back when we were allowed next to each other, I was surrounded by about 20 enormous men. But the thing that struck me when I got to the bottom of this lift shaft was the heat. It was so hot underground that it was stifling. You've got to remember too, you've got about 10 kilos of safety equipment on you. You're wearing high-vis overalls that cover your arms, or in my case covered my hands because I was one of the shortest people there. You've got these boots that weigh a ton, you've got all these safety equipment and your beacons. So every step is actually... You're exerting a lot of energy to take these steps. The guys underground too, they actually went underground with five litres of water. And that was their water for the day because there's no going back up. Once you're down, you're down.

But the thing that I found was fascinating when I was down at the bottom of this mine is that they worked in 20-minute shifts. They would drill and they would shovel for 20 minutes and then they'd rest for 20 minutes. And they did that for an eight hour shift. Now, that is super expensive and-

James Woodburn: And it's slow, costly work, right?

Shae Russell: It's slow, costly work. I mean labour rates in Australia are very high. And there's obviously lots of hazard pay involved as well. So that's not an economical way to run a mine. So there's a lot of incentives here for gold miners to find cheaper ways to access the gold. And obviously trying to eliminate some of the dangerous aspects to go because quite frankly, working that far underground is a very, very dangerous thing to do. So this is where the high price of gold comes in because it creates an incentive to not only dig deeper, but also too, to find innovative ways to get that gold out of the ground while reducing humans to... Basically getting underground, to do manual labour, that can pretty much be done by a robot.

James Woodburn: So what it means basically then; the higher the price goes, the greater the chance a small gold explorer is going to hit gold because they're digging deeper.

Shae Russell: Yeah, exactly. And this is what I mean by about Australia being vastly under explored. I think brownfield sites in Australia are roughly 290 metres from depth. Now that's nothing compared to worldwide standards. If you look at China, their average brownfield site starts at around about 500 metres. So we're basically closer to the surface. And the higher that gold price goes, the deeper we will dig to find gold. And I think what we find out underground is going to surprise a lot of Australians.

James Woodburn: And also, we know that there's gold under there too. It just hasn't been tapped. So it's just all this untapped-

Shae Russell: Not only that, it wasn't economical to mine at those prices. I mean, you look back even in 2008, when the gold price was kicking along at 800 bucks and ounce and that's in US dollars, this is gold that would have cost, say $1,800 to get out of the ground back then. It wasn't economical a decade ago, but these deposits [that are] going that 1.5, those 2kilometres down underground, it's becoming economical to access those minerals.

James Woodburn: So in other words, Shae, the higher the price goes, the deeper explorers look and the more gold they might find. That's what's on the cars. So that makes sense to me, but let's get a bit more specific to Australia because Australia is a huge country. It's a pretty big place, right? So just where do you think are the most promising regions for gold prospectors today?

Shae Russell: Look, I've actually got four key regions that I think all investors should be looking at and, look, you and I have had these conversations before. I don't know how many times I've thrown geological maps in front of you. And you're like...

I don't know how many times I've thrown geological maps in front of you, and you're like, ‘Really?’ So, first of all, we're going to start off with this simplified geological time map. Now, we're going to start with the North Australian Craton. Then I'm going to move you over to the Pilbara. Then we're going to come down to the Yilgarn Craton, and then after that, we're going to move on to the Victorian Goldfields. So, sort of think of these as a trip around Australia. We're basically moving from the newest top gold deposit all the way back around to the original gold rush that started in Australia.

James Woodburn: Got you.

Shae Russell: All right. We're going to start with the North Australian Craton, and there's a reason why.

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It's because up until recently, nobody actually thought there was a lot of gold out here. Also, too, it's pretty hard to access. I'm looking at miners with deposits in the middle of nowhere. I can't emphasise that enough. We're talking about deserts that don't even have full drive tracks going to them. So, you've got the Tanami, which is known as well-known gold mineralised region. But until recently, it wasn't suspected to host more gold. In fact, Newmont Gold actually kicked off some spending recently. They're planning on spending 700-800 million US dollars on expanding their mine out in this region. I've actually sniffed out some gold explorers hunting around in this region, and there's a reason why.

I'm going to take you back to a Northern Territory government survey recently, where they noted that this area was a highly prospective gold province of national and possibly global importance. The Tanami region contains several promising and untested geochemical gold anomalies, and is still being extensively explored. Now, to me, that tells me this region is majorly under explored, and there's some incredible opportunities here.

James Woodburn: And there's companies that are doing it, right?

Shae Russell: There's companies that are doing it. We've got one major gold miner, as I just mentioned before, Newmont Gold Corp out there, but there's a whole bunch of explorers out there that are looking for the same thing. It's great that they've actually got a major gold miner out there, because it likely means that there's going to be farm-in agreements, joint ventures, or even [a] takeover target for these little guys.

James Woodburn: And we're going to go into those little guys very soon, but first you're going to get to the Pilbara. Is that correct?

Shae Russell: Let's go to the Pilbara. Now, this region is known around the world for their... let's bring this chart up. This region is known around the world for its iron rich ores. That's actually out in the Hamersley Basin.

Hard Money Trader

I get a little excited over these maps. I've been dying to show people these maps for a long time. So, the Pilbara, as I said, it's known for its iron ore riches, but also too, there is possibly one of the greatest gold finds happening right up near Port Hedland here, but I actually want to talk about the East of the Pilbara, getting really close to that border. Now, the Telfer goldmine sits on the East of the Pilbara, and for a long time, it was actually thought to be the only deposit of its kind in the region. In less than a couple of years ago, this knowledge and understanding of the area has changed. Now, again, I've got a couple of companies that are explorers out in this region, and this is turning out to be a highly prospective region for gold. I think we're going to see some incredible gold finds coming out of these area, and a lot of investors aren't going to see this one coming.

James Woodburn: Just explain in very, very, very briefly the significance of the Telfer mine, because that was a huge one.

Shae Russell: The Telfer mine was enormous, but how it was found was they were out there in the region hunting for copper. So, 30, 40 years ago, when they were looking out in the Pilbara, they weren't expecting to find gold. Initially, the first geologist, when he stumbled across it, only tested for copper. He wasn't testing for gold because he didn't actually think he was going to find any. It was only when the results were reviewed that it showed up there was some gold anomalies in the soil. So, it was really a surprise to find gold out there. Now, just to emphasise this, the companies have spent 30 years hunting around Telfer trying to find another one just like it, and they have been disappointed at every turn.

It's only in the last couple of years that changes in technology of how we assay soil samples that have led us to believe that we might not find another Telfer, but we might find something very similar to it, and that's very exciting. Here, we're going to the Yilgarn Craton. Now, I've got a thing for geology, so that's really... basically, we're going to the Eastern Goldfields in Western Australia. The Yilgarn Craton, though, is of significance. So, just let me nerd out for a little bit. The West Australian government has actually said that they believe 30% of the world's known gold deposits can be found in one place.

James Woodburn: 30% of the world's known deposits?

Shae Russell: World's known gold deposits. I didn't mince my words. The Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia has some of the oldest geological formations on earth. We're talking about rocks here that are as old as time. There are zircon grains out here that are 4.4 billion years old, which is basically the start of the planet, or just a little bit younger.

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James Woodburn: That's what that map is tracking, is it?

Shae Russell: Well, this map that we're actually looking at is actually tracking gold deposits through this area. So, think of it like a heat map. The red ones are the known ones that we know a lot about the mineralisation, and as you can see, they're quite clustered around in certain areas. Let's just zoom in a bit. We've got the brown areas that suggest where there's been extensive exploration. However, it's the yellows and the oranges that tell us that we don't really know a lot more about what's outside this area. I mean, Leonora's quite a popular area, as is Lancefield, but there's a whole host of gold anomalies that haven't been investigated. I'm very excited about this area, because it could turn out that this region is going to be given super giant status, which if it does, that is exceedingly rare, but the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia continue to throw out more gold.

James Woodburn: And this is also where a cluster of gold explorers are circulating, correct?

Shae Russell: A cluster. Yes. Look, I get very excited talking about the opportunities here, because again, we've got a lot of shallow deposits here that haven't been extensively drilled. Even the super pit is not only looking at being extended sideways, but they're looking at extending it underneath and going back to underground mining. You've got to remember that the West Australian, especially, I should say, the Eastern Goldfields, they've been mining gold out continuously for over 100 years, and yet we still haven't found the bottom.

James Woodburn: So, we come full circle to where it all began, is that right now?

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Shae Russell: Well, Victoria is the birth of the original gold rush. Now, it wasn't where gold was first found, but it is what kicked off the original gold rush. Now, an interesting little tidbit here is Victoria only has one percent of Australia's known gold reserves, yet we actually have the best mine or the richest gold mine in the world, and that's out in Fosterville, which is right in the middle. Now, I've been saying this to anybody who will tolerate me for more than five minutes. I believe we're about to see a Victorian gold rush renaissance. Even though our gold reserves are quite small, what comes out of Victoria is quite dense and nuggety.

Now, that creates a couple of mining issues, but that's okay. Miners know how to work it out. But basically, the Victorian government reckon there's still 32 million ounces of undiscovered gold in the area. However, I'd like to add that I think that figure could be higher because we have so little deep geological knowledge of the surrounding areas. For a long time, explorers and miners have stuck to the areas they know are gold rich. Now, we know this is going to be very exciting happening here, because towards the end of last year, the Victorian government threw out a whole bunch of new tenements to really kick off a new gold exploration sector in Victoria.

James Woodburn: And with Aussie dollar gold hitting absolute... it's [at] all-time highs, right?

Shae Russell: Yeah. Well, it's just backed off all-time highs, but Aussie dollar gold is sitting at around 2,500 bucks an ounce, which is pretty impressive and creates a huge incentive to start really seeing what's beneath the old gold rush, I guess you could say. The point is, Woody, these are the four locations around Australia where I think the next big find will come from.

James Woodburn: Shae, I know you want to talk stocks in a second too, but before you get too excited about that, I think it's worth taking a quick step back and establishing a key point. A small gold explorer finding a major new gold deposit is one of the most exciting and profitable events in the financial world, correct?

Shae Russell: Yes. A lot of the reasons why these companies do unexpected things is because they find gold in unexpected places. So, I just want to give you a real life example of this. This is Gold Road Resources. Now, the share price of this one has moved 30 times higher since 2013. Now, there's a couple of reasons why we've seen such an incredible price gain. Now, first of all, it's because the deposit quality has turned out to be amazing. We're now looking at a million ounce mine, minimum... sorry, three million ounce mine minimum, and as a potential, it's going to be extended out to 6 million. However, the reason why it's all such incredible initial price gains is because the geologists behind it went looking for gold where people said there was no gold to be found. So, that's the power of stocks that go hunting where nobody thought they'd find gold.

Now, another great one that I love to talk about is Kirkland Lake Gold. Now, the share price of Kirkland Lake Gold raised 27 times higher from 2015 to 2020. Now, [this] is the US-listed Kirkland Lake Gold. The reason why we saw such a massive price gain in Kirkland in the North American markets is Kirkland had acquired the Fosterville mine, which everybody thought was a dud mine and that they wasted their money, but they sank a couple of deep drill holes, by the way, [a] thousand metres.

James Woodburn: They went deeper.

Shae Russell: They went deeper, and it turned out that Kirkland can now pull out more than an ounce of gold for every tonne of ore that they pull out of Fosterville. This is why these share prices rally so unexpectedly and so many times its initial price, because they go and do the unexpected. Obviously in Kirkland's example, they went deeper.

James Woodburn: But I want to make something very clear, they're two great examples of what can happen when company's explorers get it right. They are highly speculative. You'd have to take a bit of a punt on the stocks and know what you're looking for before getting in and seeing what the fruits of their labour were.

Shae Russell: Oh, look, these are dead set punt stocks. You've got to remember, there's nothing proven with these guys. Look, I've made the joke today already, and I do make this joke an awful lot, so people are probably sick of it, we are, and sometimes talking about a guy with a shovel. Sometimes you can sink a couple of dozen drill halls and it turns out there's nothing. Sometimes you can strike nuggety gold in one area and then the next four steps out there's nothing. So, these are really risky stocks, because most of the times the stock I recommend haven't proven anything yet. So, that's why. So, yes, there's enormous gains to be had, but you could lose what you put into it as well. Let's be clear about that. It's pretty simple. It's linked to the original gold boom as well. Back when prospectors were hunting around for gold, the only thing that didn't dissolve gold at the time was nitric acid. So, all prospectors when they were panning for gold on the muddy banks, basically they'd take a little gold out and they'd scratch it down a slate plate. Now, they'd get some nitric acid and they'd pour it on that plate. Now, at the time, as I just said, nitric acid dissolved all known substances. Sulphur dissolved the gold streak, there was no gold. It's just been fool's gold. However, if it didn't dissolve the gold streak, the prospector had struck it rich, which is how I came up with the NITRIC method.

James Woodburn: I want to be clear about that, but that is exactly where your NITRIC-X system comes in, right? Because there are tons of gold explorers out there, and most of them won't find anything. They won't find any gold. They'll just end up digging a hole. We've been very clear on the risks involved here all through this presentation. Everyone at home knows, and if they don't, you should, that there are no guarantees with this kind of investing, this kind of speculating. But there must be a way to try and give yourself the best chance of finding these things, because if you're not in it, you're not going to win it. Right? So, how do you go about doing that?

Shae Russell: So, arising gold price isn't going to lift all stocks, and more to the point too, we're talking about a bunch of explorers that have no income and no money coming in or no cash flow. So, you've got to shelve fundamental analysis, because it's not going to work for these companies that have basically a whole bunch of cash from a capital raising and a desire to spend it. You've really got to approach these companies differently. So, that's what NITRIC is all about. It's taking a unique viewpoint on basically a unique investing sector. So, let's break down what NITRIC actually means. First of all, number X, which is a clever way of saying, "What's the all-in sustaining cost here?"

Shae Russell: Now, not every company I recommend will have an all in sustaining cost, but when they do, they've generally submitted a pre-feasibility study, and that will give us the all in sustaining cost. What these all in sustaining costs does, and there's no easy way that rolls off the tongue either, but basically this all in sustaining cost, it tells us how cheap or how much it's going to cost a company to get the gold out of the ground. Now, this number includes everything, not just the digging, but all the office admin, all the legal. This is how we measure gold companies up against each other. So, knowing what it's going to cost a company to get it out is very important because it tells us how profitable the mine will be if it comes online.

All right, let me show you some of the things that affect the all in sustaining costs. Open pit mines, for example, have a lower quality of ore per tonne compared to underground mines, but they also have much lower costs than the underground ones. So, the energy of costs alone for an open pit mine are generally 10% cheaper than the underground ones. This means that the giant hole in the ground can have fewer grams per tonne, but it's likely the miners will be able to get it out cheaper than the underground mine, giving them a lower ground, all in sustaining costs than their competitors. Let's take Aussie miner, St Barbara, as an example. In 2007, St Barbara mining was running a cash cost of $508 per ounce of gold. SBM managed this low average when the gold price was 830 Aussie dollars per ounce. It's these low cash costs that saw the share price surge almost 600% in just a couple of years.

James Woodburn: Okay. Well, we've covered N for the number X. Let's move on to the first I in NITRIC.

Shae Russell: Identified reserves. Finding precious metals in the ground is key for any gold stock, but how much are they sitting on and what is the quality of those reserves? That's where the ore grade comes in. It tells you how many grams of gold per tonne a company is in control of. The higher the grade of the gold mine, the lower the cost to mine. Barra Resources is one such company that's managed this. During a routine exploration around Burbank's gold mine, Barra

 Resources hit on a true bonanza gold find. And by the way, if the Burbank's goldmine sounds familiar, it should. It's one of Australia's biggest gold producing mines in history, digging up a massive 649,000 ounces of gold in the short time it's been operational.

James Woodburn: Okay. So now we're on T for Team.

Shae Russell: Yes. The team is absolutely critical because you can have great dirt, but lousy management getting it out of the ground. So it's so important to know who is in charge of the company. So I want to know who the drillers are on the ground, I want to know the geochemists, I want to right through to the management and the history of top brass. I leave no stone unturned here. You can have the biggest gold deposit in the world, but unless you've got the right team on the board, it means squat.

So basically here I analyse where the management has the right sort of resume. Have they run mine successfully before? Have they been part of mergers and acquisitions? Is there somebody in there who just got the keys to daddy's forgotten investments? Is the company achieved somebody with 20 years of experience? Or is it just some new guy who thought he could try his luck? Basically, I'm looking for a company that exceeds expectations and under promises.

James Woodburn: And along with a great team, the next one in the NITRIC analogy is R, the resource potential.

Shae Russell: Sometimes this is the most exciting part when it comes to looking at these companies, because it's one thing to find gold, but it's another thing entirely to know about the potential mine life here. So there's no point spending millions of dollars on setting up a processing station if the resources are only going to drill gold and silver for a couple of years. So this is where I turned my attention to what's around nearby. How successful are the neighbouring tenements? And what are the other companies in the area? Not only that, how deep can they drill? Take Kidman Resources for example, it purchased a tenement next to the Burbank's goldmine and drill tests in 2015 revealed there was a potential 5.6 grams of gold per tonne. And it didn't take long for the goldbugs to figure out the potential of that mine, either. The price rallied 3,016% in two years, following the announcement of that find. No doubt having one of Australia's highest yielding gold mines next door helped.

James Woodburn: Yeah. And that's the case with a lot of the geographical maps we went through earlier, but let's crack on with the NITRIC [analogy]. So the second idea is investment liquidity. So how does that relate to the system?

Shae Russell: This is actually super important because there's no point buying a stock if you can't get out of it, because the whole point here is to ideally make a profit and move on.

So I look here at how many shares of changing hands and whether investors are dumping the stock. Volume is very important to make sure that my subscribers can enter a stock and also exit a stock. So not only that, I look to see whether their shares are held by small private investment groups, which sometimes make it hard for ordinary investors to gain access.

So what you've got to remember is that NITRIC identifies tiny gold stocks, and there's no point getting into one if there's not enough shares available for you to buy yourself. Again, we're after relatively short term gains, we may hold some positions longer than others, especially if there's a sniff of a buyout, but we don't want to hold these positions indefinitely. Eventually we want to sell these stocks for a much higher price. So we need to be able to get out of them, and that's why liquidity counts.

James Woodburn: And then we have capital and cashflow. Do you want to take us through that one?

Shae Russell: Cash is king. What's the saying? Whoever has the gold makes the rules. Cash is so important for micro miners. For starters, we don't want them heating up the market for fresh capital injection because all that does is dilute existing shareholders and sometimes drives the share price down in the short term. We want to know how much cash they've got, we want to know who's backing them, who are their major shareholders? There's an interesting trend now that big miners are taking more than 5% stakes in micro miners as well. So gold and silver mine is expensive work. So we need to make sure that they've got the cash to cover them for a minimum of 12 months, but also, too, that their staff and admin costs are reasonable. There's nothing worse than getting really excited about a potential company, only finding they've got a bloated board and all that bloated board is going to do is eat into their ability to do what they're meant to do and that's to explore for gold.

James Woodburn: But I think this is the whole point of the NITRIC system, right? When gold prices are going higher, when there's a big key exploration boom happening companies are drilling deeper, the NITRIC system is a way to analyse companies in a way that traditional fundamental analysis can't, because you haven't got the same data and the history and money like that. But there is another brief element to the system and we kind of called it, originally it was just the NITRIC system, but we kind of dubbed it, NITRIC-X. Sometimes there's just an X factor that trumps everything and enables a company to take off, and that's a special story.

Shae Russell: Yeah. Look, sometimes there are special stories driving stocks, like for one example, there's copper, gold deposits. I'm not particularly interested in copper, but gold is a by-product of mining copper. So that can drive that story. Then there's, polymetallic deposits that are increasing in popularity. And if they're showing a reasonable gold grade as a product of mining these polymetallic deposits, I'm very interested in that.

Sometimes it's about the dead set adventures. I do get excited about the companies, especially on my bio are sort of genuinely breaking new ground and daring to go out there and say, ‘Here's some rocks that have never been explored before, but we believe that there's gold in them hills essentially.’

So the story can change. Obviously the story is still to be backed up by the NITRIC system. But the story is a fluid idea of making sure that we don't miss out on these great opportunities that regularly present themselves to me.

James Woodburn: So we got the bigger picture. Gold is in a bull market. There's an exploration boom happening. Australia is set to become the biggest gold producing nation in the world. We gathered the geographical. We've had a bit of a tour of Australia, of the four key locations where you're hunting out these stocks and we've discussed the system that you use to de risk highly speculative gold explorers. So Shae, let's now get to the crux of the matter, let's talk stocks.

Now, there are four in particular that you're very, very excited about right now. Each one is in one of the four regions that we've already taken a whirlwind tour of. So we got the North Australian Craton, the Pilbara, the Yilgarn Craton and the gold rush, the renaissance that's happening in Victoria, right on our doorstep. So for everyone at home, in a second, I'm going to give you the chance to get hold of Shae's full write-ups of these stories on each one of these stocks, but first Shae, give us an insight into why you're so excited about these stocks specifically.

Shae Russell: Yeah. So we'll start with the one in the North Australian Craton, because it's such an underexplored area, and so few people know of the opportunities here except for this company. What I really like about them is they're taking advantage of the Northern territory government recently spending some $26 million trying to create some airborne surveys so explorers will better understand the region. But more importantly, this particular company that I'm talking about has already got some impressive joint ventures with much bigger miners. And for these explorers, that's a bit of a lifeline.

Shae Russell: So joint ventures or farming agreements basically take the burden of funding the exploration, but then the explorers still get the benefit of a rising share price-

James Woodburn: That's the key thing, the cashflow part.

Shae Russell: It's part of the cashflow, and it's also part of investment resources and resource potential as well. And Tim, having some of the more experienced miners on board when you get access to their knowledge, and that really helps these little guys get ahead.

So when you look at, Newcrest is a great example, they love to partner with explorers, partly because they need to shore up their own reserves as well. So this is part of my strategy of what's happening in the North Australian Craton right now, it's vastly underexplored, I've made that case, but I'm looking for tiny explorers that not only have great ground, but also have access to miners with deep pockets, because that will enable them to fund their exploration journey.

James Woodburn: Now, you've written a very special report based on this whole area, basically. And well, I think there's a couple of stocks or a number of stocks in the area that you're eyeing up. But this report, if you'd like access to it is called ‘North Australian Craton: The Most Underexplored Part of Australia’.

Hard Money Trader

I'll tell you how to access that in a moment. But first Shae, would you like to just briefly cover the stock you're looking at in the Pilbara region. So now we're going round to the second area that you're looking at.

Shae Russell: Yeah. So think of this was an anti-clockwise trip around Australia, youngest to oldest basically. So let's talk Pilbara. Now I made this case pretty clear earlier. Nobody thought there was gold out here. It was iron ore-rich to sell to China, and that's pretty much what we thought of the Pilbara. This has only changed in the last couple of years.

Now, I'm super, super excited about the company that I've only recently added to my list. The reason why the Pilbara is great is it's underexplored for gold, so that's where the excitement is. But the bonus of the Pilbara is [that] it's got mining infrastructure in it, so it creates a long-term potential for a lot of these companies. So essentially, the iron ore-riches that were discovered out there created a mini mining state way out West, or if you're in Perth a little bit northeast. And that it means that any of these companies that find gold they've already got access to telecommunications, they've got access to roads, they've got access to mining towns, they've got access to ports. So that's part of why I'm so excited about the opportunities here because essentially, the cost burden is being taken away from a lot of these tiny companies.

But more to the point, I know of international companies, North American gold miners that are very keen to enter into joint venture agreements out in the Pilbara because they want to secure ounces as well, to make sure that they've got their resources.

So one of the companies that I have recommended is right on the edge of the East of the Pilbara, when nobody thought there was gold to be found well, they've gone to proven the market wrong and they have found gold there.

James Woodburn: And they are digging to Hades in that area.

Shae Russell: They are literally digging to Hades actually.

James Woodburn: Well, this stock is also featured in a second report that Shae's prepared for subscribers, and it is called ‘Desert Riches: Prospecting the Pilbara’.

Hard Money Trader

So that's in conjunction with the previous one I just mentioned. Shae, what's the next region of the stocks that you're eyeing up? And it's in the Yilgarn, correct?

Shae Russell: Now, I think I have a love for the Yilgarn that I probably shouldn't, but it's terribly exciting. Not many places in the world can be mining gold continuously for a hundred years, and still be finding new things. And one of the companies I've recommended is so tiny and so small that you could buy two Caterpillar dump trucks for its total market value. People, if you don't know, Caterpillar dump trucks generally cost about seven million bucks and this company's worth about 13 million.

Now, their ground is incredible. They've recently put out some very exciting news. What they're doing is basically they've picked two major areas that have found gold before, and they've basically gone square in the middle of that and said, ‘All right, what's in this region?’ So I think there's a great opportunity. The Eastern goldfields of Western Australia really going to give up the goods.

James Woodburn: So this is a tiny, tiny speculative explorer.

Shae Russell: So tiny, so, so tiny.

James Woodburn: Okay. So the report that's part of is called ‘Western Australia: Gold Super Giant’. And how many stocks are covered in that report, Shae?

Hard Money Trader

Shae Russell: Actually quite a few. I think I've got five in that area. And the reason why I've spent a lot of time in that area is because I believe there's a lot of long-term opportunities just because the area is so underexplored. Now, I mentioned earlier that the Yilgarn is going to get super giant status, and that's because it's been mining high gold grades for such a long period of time. So that's why there's so many opportunities in that sector because it's the area that just keeps on giving.

James Woodburn: Hence the name of the report, ‘Western Australia: Gold Super Giant’. If you want access to it, hold on, I'll come back to that in just a second. But the next one is when we come full circle back to the renaissance happening in Victoria. Would you like to just explain?

Shae Russell: The Victorian gold rush renaissance, mate, spread those words. I am incredibly excited about what's happening in Victoria. And I know I've annoyed you about this story for about two years. Fosterville kicked off the story here. They went and proved that there was a lot more life left in the Victorian Goldfields. And that really did spur a whole lot of activity in the area. I'm fortunate to have one company, actually two companies in this area that are going on and proving up all old ground and basically making it new again by saying, ‘Well, if we just dig a little deeper’, which is this ongoing theme, they're bringing out incredible gold grades and really bringing what was meant to be a dead gold mining area, they're really bringing it back to life. And there's some great opportunities to be had there.

Hard Money Trader

And while I'm not a big fan of government intervention, the Victorian government is becoming more mining friendly and more gold mining friendly as well. So by opening up more land, it's going to encourage other companies to dig this area. And essentially, that means other opportunities for investors.

James Woodburn: Actually, Shae, not to be too modest about it, but you've actually got a pretty good history of picking gold stocks in Australia, right?

Shae Russell: Yes. So I've got three companies in Victoria in particular that are all sitting on triple digit gains, but I'm fortunate enough to have beaten a couple of North American investors, well known North America's investors to the punch. And I recommended one particular company to my subscribers, a full six months before this particular investor cottoned on. And essentially, my subscribers got in for what, 20 cents cheaper than what this major, major investor go to for.

James Woodburn: And what's the gain at the moment?

Shae Russell: One of them is up 560%.

James Woodburn: Shae, that is insane, especially since the market has been utterly spanked since the coronavirus happened. So is that still an open play or if open, people take half profits? How does that work?

Shae Russell: I'm a big fan of risk management. We've hemmed up these risks a lot, like these are stocks that can blow up or blow you up.

James Woodburn: They can go up 500%, but they can go-

Shae Russell: Yeah, they can go down massively. So part of my risk management tools are, when a stock hits a hundred percent or thereabouts, I always encourage people to take half their money off the table. So essentially you cash out, take half you initial stake out, and then you put that aside. Now, there's two reasons for this. It essentially allows you to still enjoy a company's rally and let it go on to do extraordinary things, but you've taken your initial capital out, so you can take that out, you've protecting that, but it also frees that capital up for the next trade. But when a stock keeps 560%, it's kind of like, well, how far can this bad boy run now?

Now, I've got a lot of faith in this company, so I'm not in a hurry to close out this position, but I also know it's not going to be the only company that does this. So I know this area very well. I know there's a lot of opportunities coming this way. I know there's a lot of institutional investment now that is keen to get into this area as well. So I don't think this will be my last five-bagger.

James Woodburn: Yeah. And we've seen what happened in the past in previous gold booms to tiny gold explorers, risky stocks, but they can just go absolutely bananas in the right environment. And it looks like we're approaching that now. You've got one 560% in your open portfolio. You've taken hard profits, but I know you've got a ton more stocks in the Victorian. And this is where the stocks that we cover in this report, in ‘The Victorian Gold Rush Renaissance’.

Now, if you're still with us at this point, and you're excited to get Shae's full writeup on these stocks, then this is probably a good time to tell you a bit more about Hard Money Trader, Shae's advisory dedicated entirely to these kinds of opportunities. The simplest way of explaining Hard Money Trader is this. If you've enjoyed this presentation, you'll love what you see. Hard Money Trader is where Shae searches for the next big junior gold mining winner. Exactly the kind of opportunities we've been telling you about today.

Now, let me be clear. The stocks Shae focuses on are, as you've seen, highly speculative, they are high risk, high reward. That's the whole point. They're the kind of stocks that can, when the stars align, make you more money than pretty much anything else out there, but there's no guarantees. If things don't go to plan, these kinds of stocks can fall as dramatically as they can rise. That's why you should only ever invest your real risk capital in them, money you can afford to take a punt with. That said, if you're comfortable with those risks, there are very few people I know of with better connections and insights and expertise than Shae when it comes to these stocks. In Hard Money Trader, Shae researches scores of ASX-listed gold miners. She rejects most of them. When a stock meets her strict criteria, she compiles all of her research into a formal recommendation and shares it with Hard Money Trader readers. I reckon having an expert like Shae in your corner is, by far, the best way to stack the odds in your favour when it comes to finding small gold mining stocks.

The best way to see just how valuable Shae's work is, is simple. Read it for yourself. And that's exactly what I'd like to give you the chance to do. Until Monday night, you can get all four of the reports we've just told you about, plus a whole load of extra bonuses and save $2,999 while you're at it. Not only that, you'll be able to do it all with the full protection of a 30-day satisfaction or your money back guaranteed. That means, if you're quick, you'll get access to the four reports we just told you about: ‘North Australian Craton: The Most Underexplored Part of Australia’, ‘Desert Riches: Prospecting the Pilbara’, ‘Western Australia: Gold Super Giant’, and ‘The Victorian Gold Rush Renaissance’. Plus, you'll get instant access to the rest of the open current trades on the Hard Money Trader buy list. Not only that, you'll get a 12-month membership to Hard Money Trader, which entitles you to Shae's best microcap gold trading opportunity every month. Now, that's a minimum of 12 more microcap, hard money trades coming your way over the next year.

And you'll also get access to three extra special reports. Special report number one, ‘The N.I.T.R.I.C. Acid Test for Trading Hard Money Stocks: How a Centuries-old Methodology can Increase Your Chances of Detecting the Potential for Extreme Gains from Micro Miners’. Special report number two, ‘The Path to $10,000 Gold (and the smart way to profit as it rises)’. The third special report, ‘The Secret of the Gold Windows’. This reveals the three stages all gold bull markets move through and what this means for the next great gold price spike.

And that's still not all. Weekly updates and analysis. You'll stay ahead of the gold market new cycle with Shae's email updates. If there's an important story that could affect the bullion or mining industry, Shae will tell you about it. She'll also use this opportunity to update open trades, let you know if the action to take has changed, and keep you apprised of the strategy for finding more trading opportunities in the coming months. You'll also get the monthly gold market updates. This is where Shae and globally-respected gold expert, Jim Rickards, will give you their global overview of the gold market.

And there are two more reports that we haven't even covered yet today. The first is called ‘Three Twenty Cent Tiddlers’. As the name suggests, this report details three extremely small gold explorers. Be clear. These are some of the highest-risk stocks that you'll ever hear about, but with that risk, comes the potential for big rewards too. Shae goes into more detail on these stocks in this report. And you'll also get a sixth bonus report, in addition to the three special reports, called ‘Gold Boom: The Internationals’. Now this report takes the story beyond Australia and looks at some of the most exciting international gold plays Shae has uncovered. You can grab yourself a copy of this report in just a minute.

Hard Money Trader

To be clear, you can get all of that today within the next few minutes. You’ll be able to review it all for the next 30 days and if you’re not happy, walk away with a full refund of your subscription price.

This is the link you need to access the secure order form where everything I’ve just told you about is laid out in black and white.

You’ll be able to start your membership and access all those reports right away. Just remember, if you want to take advantage of this opportunity, you want all those reports, the 30-day money-back guarantee period, and you want to save $2,999 on your membership, you need to move before Monday at midnight. That’s when this offer expires. So click on the link below this video now to take advantage before the deadline.

So Shae, how long do you see this opportunity lasting for? Because as we’ve seen in the 1970s, it was a crazy two-year period between late ’78 and 1980 at the peak. How do you see it playing out this time around?

Shae Russell: Well, I actually think we’ll see very similar behaviour. We’ll see that crazy gold price spike towards the end of the gold bull market. And then we’ll see these same insane gains. I actually think we’ll follow a similar path. The thing is though, you can’t try and climb on in that point. If you’re trying to climb in as everything’s going up in a straight line, you’ve missed your chance. The whole point is about taking advantage now, when we’re, I reckon, about midway through the cycle, and the bigger things ahead, it’s about picking your positions. It’s about picking areas that are going to boom. It’s about understanding how technology is going to change the way we look for gold and get it out of the ground.

Shae Russell: So now is a great opportunity for people to move in while it’s still moving at a moderate pace. The craziness hasn’t happened yet, but what we do know, and we just look back at past bull markets, once that craziness happens, it’s out of control. You don’t want to be chasing your tail there. You want to ride that boom. So it’s all about moving in early while you’ve got the chance and then being patient because the boom will come to you.

James Woodburn: And that’s a really good point. And there’s one final thing I wanted to cover, but which is directly related to that, Shae. Now, we talked a lot about what to buy. This is an exploration boom, and you’ve got a ton of explorers that you’re eyeing up, but that’s only half the story. Hard Money Trader really helps you in exiting your positions as well. And that, in many ways, is kind of more important than just taking a punt and getting in. You need to know when to sell. So can you elaborate on that for the listeners too?

Shae Russell: Yeah, what’s the point in buying stocks if you don’t cash out? That’s what you’ve got to do. So a lot of what my analysis does is, yes, I look at the gold explorers in a lot of detail, but I also time our positions and when to take on certain risks based on where we are in the gold bull market. This is why I keep going back to the ‘70s gold bull market. And we didn’t touch on the 2000s bull market today in too much detail, but there is a good reason why that we have referred to it, because it gives us an idea of what sort of speed these stocks are going to move at. So we do know that when gold eventually will go parabolic, that eventually we’re going to need to cut these trades, but how long do we want to be in these trades for? Well, that’s my job. And that’s where I come in. I basically look at the risk of behind the stock, the momentum behind the stock and compare it to how it’s performed in past gold bull markets. And I’m also too, very... I’m actually risk-averse. So I’m keen on saying, ‘Okay, there’s certain points where we take profits along the way, while still leaving skin in the game to enjoy what could be the most incredible gold bull market of our time.’

James Woodburn: And while we’ve got the table on screen, let’s just consider the gains in the 1970s bull market once again.

Hard Money Trader

The average gain across them is 2,313%, it’s just insane. But the point is, just like you’ve been talking about, Shae, you had to get in and out at the right time to make them. And that’s really what Hard Money Trader aims to help people to do, right?

Shae Russell: Certainly, as I said before this, you don’t want to chase these companies higher because that’s what many investors do. They make the mistake of seeing movement at the station and they go, ‘I want a piece of that.’ And then they jump on board. That’s not going to get you these sort of gains. You’ve got to know when to move into the market and when to move out.

James Woodburn: And when to cut your losses because there will be losses.

Shae Russell: And when to cut your losses, that’s very important. And sometimes, people cut too early or they cut too late. Because they think there’s more to be had. So a lot of it is knowing when to leave some gains in there for other people. And a lot of it is understanding how these gold stocks move. Because there’s certain trajectories that these gold explorers will follow. There’s a very predictable path that they will follow. So it’s using this information. And then I share that information with my subscribers and say, ‘This is the path we’re looking for. And this is roughly where we’re looking at getting out.’

James Woodburn: Well, thanks, Shae. It’s been fascinating listening to you today. Thanks for making the time to do this presentation. It’s just really an exciting time. And there’s no doubt about that.

Shae Russell: Oh look, it’s an incredible time to be in the gold market and in the exploration sector of gold stocks. And this is really what my Hard Money Trader service is about. It’s everything you need to take advantage of this incredible opportunity in the gold markets right now.

James Woodburn: Now, as you’ve seen in the last hour or so, there’s a huge opportunity on the table for you right now. It won’t be for everyone. It’s certainly not risk-free. But if any one of the explorers Shae has found strikes gold, its share price could take off. Finding stocks like that is why Hard Money Trader exists. And as the gold price continues to rise, now could be the perfect time to get excited about these stocks. And we’ve laid it all out for you today, and Shae’s reports detailing the stock she’s most excited about right now are waiting for you. Now, it’s over to you. Click on the link below this video now to take advantage of this offer. Remember, you get 30 days protected by a money-back guarantee, but you need to move before Monday evening at midnight.

James Woodburn: Thank you very much for watching and we look forward to welcoming you as a Hard Money Trader subscriber very soon. Goodbye.

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Or, perhaps you still have questions?

Well, then let me try to anticipate a few of them…and give you some answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question #1:
What if gold stops rising?

I can only give you my view:
I think it’s EXTREMELY 
unlikely that this
gold bull market is going anywhere…

Look. There’s a reason gold is soaring now. It’s because of the economic stimulus (money printing) going on…

…and the fact that with debt rising, it seems unlikely to stop.

No — I think the gold bull is here to stay for a while yet.

Could I be wrong?

Absolutely. That’s the nature of my industry — I’m trying to accurately (and honestly) forecast the future. It’s inherently uncertain. But it’s not impossible.

I think I’m right. I think gold is on the verge of breaking out to even higher highs.

The true reason gold is breaking out against paper currencies is because it is REAL MONEY.

In short, history shows that gold strengthens when people are scared.

But gold really goes crazy…and gold stocks even more so…when central bankers intervene, massively and simultaneously. 

This is what sparks a ‘mania’ phase.

And I believe this is what we’re at the beginning of, right now.

Question #2:
What happens if we have
a massive global recession?

The smart crowd ALWAYS makes money.

Listen, there’s an important connection you need to make here…

You see, monetary collapses don’t mean the end of the world.

That’s something many ‘gloom and doom’ folks just don’t understand.

So, while ‘preppers’ and folks building doomsday bunkers may think they know where society is headed, I see it a different way.

Today’s international monetary system is largely based on the US dollar. And yes, a new collapse could be triggered by a loss of confidence in the dollar and its role as a store of value.

It will be very worrying for many people when it eventually happens.

But here’s what most people DON’T know…

Based on the monetary history of the past century, collapses have NOT meant the end of the world. People don’t go into caves or start eating canned goods.

Instead, previous monetary collapses have resulted in the major financial and trading powers of the time sitting down around the table and rewriting the rules of the game.

That’s VERY important for you and me today.

Yes, I advocate holding gold as a store of value.

But right now, before the rules of the game change (where we could potentially see a $10,000 gold price), you have what could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ride the wave over the longer term.

Simply put, when the rules of the game change, I believe hard money plays could make a huge difference to your wealth.

Question #3:
Why not just invest in physical gold?
Isn’t that enough?

As my friend and collaborator Jim Rickards
Fox Business…there’s a difference between
making money and preserving wealth.

In an economic collapse, gold could be the best way to preserve your wealth.

So there’s no replacement for holding physical gold.

Gold (and silver too) is hard money.

End of story.


The profit potential of gold and silver isn’t going to make you a life-changing amount of money.

In my view, and again there can be no guarantees, trading a selection of the right hard money stocks could be HANDS DOWN one of the best ways to make money today — with the anticipated gold window open.

Question #4:
What will I get if I take a subscription with a
30-day trial period to Hard Money Trader today?

Everything below…

  • BONUS REPORT #1: ‘North Australian Craton: The Most Underexplored Part of Australia’
  • BONUS REPORT #2: ‘Desert Riches: Prospecting the Pilbara’ 
  • BONUS REPORT #3: ‘Western Australia: Gold Super Giant’
  • BONUS REPORT #4: ‘The Victorian Gold Rush Renaissance’
  • BONUS REPORT #5: ‘Three Twenty Cent Tiddlers’
  • BONUS REPORT #6: ‘Gold Boom: The Internationals’
  • 12-month membership to Hard Money Trader...which entitles you to my best micro-cap gold trading opportunity every month. That’s a minimum of 12 more micro-cap ‘hard money’ trades coming your way over the next year.
  • SPECIAL REPORT — ‘The N.I.T.R.I.C Acid Test for Trading Hard Money Stocks’: How a centuries-old methodology can increase your chances of detecting the potential for extreme gains from micro miners.
  • SPECIAL REPORT — ‘The Path to $10,000 Gold (and the smart way to profit as it rises)’.
  • SPECIAL REPORT — ‘The Secret of the Gold Windows’: Here I reveal the three gold stages all gold bull markets move through…and what this means for the next great gold price spike.
  • Weekly updates and analysis:You’ll stay ahead of the gold market news cycle with my email updates. If there’s an important story that could affect the bullion or mining industry, I will give you the inside scoop. I’ll also use this opportunity to update our open trades, let you know if the action to take has changed, and keep you apprised of the strategy for finding more trading opportunities over the coming months...
  • Monthly gold market updates:This is where my friend and colleague, Jim Rickards, will give you his global overview of the gold market as he tracks the new bull run. No, it won’t be in a straight line. But I promise you’ll always be in the picture.

Question #6:
Am I REALLY entitled to a 100% refund
within 30 days — 
even after I’ve received
your current buy recommendations?

Yes, absolutely.

If you subscribe today, you’ll initiate a 30-day trial period of my service.

That gets you access to my current buy list.

You’ll also get details of the ‘hotlist’ of trades I’m gearing to make over the coming weeks and months, as well as a package of reports and resources to help you position yourself…and TRADE…the opportunity we’ve talked about today: How to potentially turn gold’s next anticipated move higher into substantial profits. 

If, for WHATEVER reason, you are not satisfied, you may request a full and unconditional refund within 30 days.

Question #7:
Are the stocks you’ll recommend risky?

Yes, absolutely, as outlined many times.

These are very small stocks. That’s your first risk factor.

Then there’s the fact that they are mining stocks. Another risk factor.

Then, finally, there’s the wider market right now, which can hardly be termed as stable!

What you’re betting on here is that there could well be forming another massive boom for gold mining stocks, similar to the late 70s.

But there are absolutely no guarantees.

And all investments that are linked to an underlying asset are subject to changes in the price of that asset.

In other words, if you are holding the stock of a gold miner and the gold price crashes, your holding is at risk of falling in value too.

This is for TRADERS only.

Never invest more than you could comfortably afford to lose on any one recommendation.

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Right now, you could be staring at a huge opportunity as gold sets up for its anticipated mania move.

That’s what a true mania phase would entail.

And I have the stocks that could play it.

Stocks you can have the details of in the next 10 minutes.

Central bankers are deploying stimulus and money printing on an epic level.

That could add even more upward momentum to gold.

Click the ‘Subscribe Now’ button below to get started. You’ll be able to confirm everything on the next page before entering your details.


Shae Russell,
Founder, Hard Money Trader

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